

Dengue is an acute fever caused by virus. It is of two types:

 (i) Dengue fever,

(ii) Dengue  hemorrhagic  fever.

Dengue fever is characterized by an onset of sudden high fever, severe headache,
pain  behind  the  eyes  and  in  the muscles  and  joints.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever  is an acute  infectious viral disease. It is an advanced
stage of dengue fever. It is characterized by fever during the initial phase and other
symptoms like headache, pain in the eye, joint pain and muscle pain, followed by
signs of bleeding,  red  tiny  spots on  the  skin, and bleeding  from nose and gums.

How does Dengue  spread?

Dengue  spreads  through  the  bite  of  an  infected  Aedes  aegypti  mosquito.  The
transmission of  the disease occurs when a mosquito bites an  infected person and
subsequently bites a healthy person. In doing so, it transmits blood containing the
virus to the healthy person and the person becomes infected with dengue. The first
symptoms  of  the  disease  occur  about  5  to  7 days  after  the  infected  bite.
Aedes mosquito rests indoors, in closets and other dark places, and is active during
day  time. Outside,  it rests where  it  is cool and shaded. The female mosquito  lays
her  eggs  in  stagnant water  containers  such  as  coolers,  tyres,  empty buckets  etc.,
in and around homes, and other areas in towns or villages. These eggs become adults
in  about 10  days.
Incubation period
The  time  between  the  bite  of  a mosquito  carrying  dengue  virus  and  the  start  of
symptoms  averages 4  to  6 days, with  a  range of  3  to 14  days.
Diagnosis  is made  through blood  tests by scanning for antibodies against dengue
viruses. In addition the blood platelets counts also drastically reduce in the infected


Symptoms  of Dengue  fever

(i) Sudden onset of high fever, generally 104-105 °F (40 °C), which may last 4-
5  days.
(ii) Severe  headache mostly  in  the  forehead.
(iii) pain  in  the  joints  and muscles, body  aches.
(iv) Pain  behind  the  eyes which worsens with  eye movement.
(v) Nausea  or  vomiting.
Symptoms  of Dengue hemorrhagic  fever
These  include  symptoms  similar  to dengue  fever, plus  other  symptoms  such  as:
(i) Severe  and  continuous  pain  in  the  abdomen.
(ii) Rashes  on  the  skin.
(iii) Bleeding  from  the  nose, mouth,  or  in  the  internal  organs.
(iv) Frequent vomiting with or without blood.
(v) Black  stools due  to  internal  bleeding.
(vi) Excessive  thirst  (dry mouth).
(vii) Pale,  cold  skin, weakness.
Following  steps  can  be  taken  to  prevent  spread  of dengue  fever:
(i) Avoid water stagnation for more than 72 hours so that the mosquitoes do not
breed  there.
(ii) Prevent mosquito breeding  in  stored water bodies,  like ponds, wells  etc.

(iii) Destroy discarded objects like old tyres, bottles, etc. as they collect and store
rain water.
(iv) Use mosquito  repellents and wear  long  sleeved  clothes  to  curtail exposure.
(v) Use mosquito  nets,  also  during  daytime.
(vi) Avoid outdoor activities during dawn or dusk when these mosquitoes are most
(vii) Patients  suffering  from  dengue  fever must  be  isolated  for  at  least 5  days.
(viii)Report  to  the nearest health centre  for any  suspected case of Dengue  fever.

Treatment  for dengue  and dengue hemorrhagic  fever

There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. Persons with dengue fever should
rest and drink plenty of fluids. Dengue hemorrhagic fever  is  treated by  replacing
lost  fluids. Some  patients need  blood  transfusions  to  control  bleeding.

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