

 (Acquired  Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)

It is a pandemic disease. The word “immuno deficiency” signifies that the immune
system becomes very weak. It is a disorder of cell-mediated immune system of the
Lymphocytes are the main cells of the immune system i.e. T-lymphocytes and
B-lymphocytes. ‘Helper T’ lymphocytes play a great role in regulating the immune
system. Damages to or destruction of ‘Helper’ lymphocytes lead to the development
of a cellular immune deficiency which makes the patient susceptible to wide variety
of  infections.

Mode of  transmission  : 

AIDS may be  transmitted  through any of  the  following  means  :

(i) Sexual contact with  the affected person. In India,  the most common route of
HIV  transmission  is  through  unprotected heterosexual  sex.

(ii) Using  the  same  syringe  as  that  of  affected  person.

(iii) Blood  transfusion which  contains human  immuno deficiency  virus.

(iv) Organ  transplantation  of  the  affected  person.

(v) Artificial  insemination.

(vi) From mother  to  new born  baby during  the process  of giving  birth.
Incubation period : The average period is 28 months though it may range between
15  to  57 months

Symptoms  : 

The  sufferer may  show one  or more of  the  following  symptoms  :

(i) A  type of  lung disease develops  (tuberculosis).

(ii) A  skin  cancer may be observed.

(iii) Nerves  are  effected.

(iv) Brain is badly damaged with the loss of memory, ability to speak and to think

(v) The  number  of  platelets  (thrombocytes)  become  less  which  may  cause

(vi) In severe cases the patient shows swollen lymph nodes, fever and loss of weight.
A  full blown  (disease at  its peak  ) AIDS patient, may die within  three years.
Prevention  and  cure
No medicine or vaccine is known to be available against HIV infection. Therefore,
care  has  to  be  taken  through  following measures:

(i) There should not be any sexual contact with the person who has HIV infection
or STI. Since STI causes some damage to the gemital area and mucous layer,
and  thus  facilitates  the  entry  of HIV  into  the  body.

(ii) Use  disposable  syringe  and  needle.

(iii) The blood to be transfused to the needy person, should be free from HIV germ.

(iv) Prostitution  and homosexuality  should be  avoided.

(v) Condom  should  always be  used  during  intercourse.

AIDS  can be detected by ELISA  test.
There  are  three points which may  be  important  to  control STD.

(i) Partner notification : Identification of potential infected contact, examination
and  treatment.

(ii) Education of STD  : This  should  be  a  part of  general  education.

(iii) Screening for STD : Serological screening of groups, such as, blood donors,
women  before giving  birth.

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