

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease that often involves urethra, vagina or
penis,  cervix,  anus,  and  throat,  as  its  target  sites.
Causative  organism
A gonococcus bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It grows and multiplies quickly in
warm moist  areas  of  the  body,  such  as  the  cervix,  rectum  and mouth.

Modes  of  spread

Having  multiple  sex  partners  increases  the  risk  of  contracting  it. Any  kind  of
unprotected  sex  is  always  a  risk. Any  kind  of  contact  of  sores with  an  infected
person  is  also  risky.
Incubation period
About  2-5 days  after getting  infection.


(i) Inflammation  of mucous membrane  in  the urinogenital  tract.
(ii) Burning  sensation while  passing  out  urine  and  urithral  discharge.
(iii) Rectal  discomfort.
(iv) Pain  in  the  joints.
(v) Rashes  on  palms, Mild  sore  throat
(vi) In  females,  it may  cause  sterility
Prevention  and  cure
(i) Having  sexual  contact with  only one  person.
(ii) Avoiding prostitution  and homosexuality.
(iii) Taking antibiotics, such as penicillin injection or appropriate medicines at the
appropriate  time  as per Doctor’s  advice.
In males,  gonorrhoea  primarily  affects  the  urethra.  anus,  throat,  joints  and  eyes.
Most victims of this disease are teenagers and young adults. One of the advanced
complications  of gonorrhoea  is  gonococcal  septicemia  (blood  poisoning).

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